Hill's dog food Senior Vitality 7+

690,00 ден8.580,00 ден

Complete food for your dog, specially formulated for senior dogs over the age of 7. Veterinarians and Nutritionists recommend it to support your dog's vitality and well-being in later years.

The perfectly balanced, scientifically-developed recipe of this Hill’s Science Plan Adult 7+ Senior Vitality Medium with Chicken dry dog food provides sufficient energy, protein and nutrients to keep the body nourished without overloading it.

  • Innovative recipe that helps combat signs of ageing
  • Improves vitality and wellbeing
  • without preservatives, artificial colors and flavor enhancers
  • Beneficial secondary plant components: from spinach, tomatoes, citrus fruit and linseeds
  • Nutrient mix: ideal content of vitamins, minerals and trace elements including beta-carotene, omega-3 and -6, and natural antioxidants
  • Scientifically developed formula: using the latest in nutritional science and recommended by veterinarians

Recommended by veterinarians

More info  https://www.hillspet.co.uk/dog-food/sp-canine-science-plan-adult-7-plus-youthful-vitality-medium-breed-with-chicken-and-rice-dry

или контактирај не:  https://mona.mk/contact/

Hill's 1кг (мерена)
690,00 ден
Hill's 14кг (голема вреќа)
8.580,00 ден
SKU: N/A Category: