Belcando puppy dog food Grain free
Super premium German food for small dogs under 1 year. Belcando Puppy Grain-Free (GF).
- With extra fresh meat
- for optimal growth
- suitable for smaller breeds
Many breeders and puppy owners attach special importance to grain-free nutrition of their dogs. That is why it is particularly important to choose the right recipe right from the beginning. Extra fresh poultry and carefully selected raw ingredients make BELCANDO® Puppy GF Poultry particularly well tolerated. Grains are replaced in this recipe by high-quality amaranth – an ideal source of important nutrients.
- Outstanding flavour and digestive tolerance
- Meat products exclusively from animals suitable for human consumption
- free grains, soy free, dairy free
- Artificial colourings, flavourings and preservatives
To ease the switch to solid food, BELCANDO® Puppy GF Poultry comes with a special sauce. Carefully mix 3 parts BELCANDO® Puppy GF Poultry with 1 part warm water (40-50 °C) to create a particularly tasty sauce. This stimulates the puppies to accept solid food. Later, BELCANDO® Puppy GF Poultry can also be fed in dry form.
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