Belcando dog food adult Explorer Sea fish
Dog food adult Belcando Explorer – Sea fish: Rich food with very healthy ingredients: for example, delicious fish! Special ingredients such as flaxseed, salmon oil and brewer's yeast, which provide important omega-3 fatty acids and vital substances for small and medium-sized crawlers. Our vital ingredient ProVital strengthens the immune system – essential for your pet's daily needs.
- produced from fish that is also suitable for human consumption
- recommended for dogs with white coat
- salmon oil – contributes to healthier skin and fur quality
- flaxseed – improves the digestive system
- ratio of animal protein to total protein: 70%
- free grains, soy free, dairy free
- no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives
PROVITAL – with PROVITAL Formula = strengthens your dog's immune system with cell wall components (beta-glucans) from natural yeast
SALMON OIL Salmon oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are excellent for the health of your dog's bones, joints and heart," say veterinarians from Germany. The oil is also known to help reduce itching and dry skin, which can be associated with allergies in dogs. When taken in moderation, your dog will likely have better skin, less shedding, and better health as it ages.
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