Hill’s гастроинтестинална храна за мачки
2.480,00 ден
Гастроинтестинална храна за мачки. Медицинска храна наменета за мачки, за намалување на акутни цревни нарушувања и компензација за лошо варење, со поддршка за цревната микрофлора за здравјето на дигестивниот тракт.
Recommended for
- Problems with the gastrointestinal tract
- Enteropathy (inflammatory bowel disease)
- Colitis
- Diarrhea
How it works:
- Proprietary ActivBiome+ technology nourishes your pet's microbiome
- Unique blend of prebiotic fibres
- Stimulates the microbiome to produce beneficial postbiotics
How it helps:
- Hill's Prescription Diet Gastrointestinal Biome is clinically shown to promote regular healthy stool in as little as 24 hours and help reduce risk of recurrence.
- Works quickly to nourish the gut microbiome and promote healthy stool
- Promotes growth of beneficial gut bacteria to maintain digestive health
More info https://www.hillspet.com/cat-food/pd-gastrointestinal-biome-feline-dry
Pet Shop Mona location / contact: https://mona.mk/contact/
13 in stock