Hill's science plan dog food adult chicken

530,00 ден6.980,00 ден

A complete balanced food for an adult dog from 1-6 years, weighing 15+ kg (medium to large breed), chicken makes it suitable for daily feeding of your dog. This formula provides a precise nutritional balance; energy, vitamins and minerals

High-quality protein, which helps support lean muscle mass, along with natural prebiotic fiber to keep the digestive system running smoothly.

Other ingredients include vitamin E and omega-6 fatty acids, which help keep the skin healthy and glowing. Hill's Science Plan Adult 1-6 Medium with Chicken is made using only premium ingredients in a recipe designed to meet energy and nutritional needs.

Hills Science Plan, Medium Chicken, на прв поглед:

  • No added flavor enhancers, colors or preservatives.
  • High-quality proteins: to maintain lean muscle mass
  • Selected Ingredients: Made with high-quality raw ingredients, including delicious chicken
  • Natural fibers: to promote healthy digestion
  • Omega-6 fatty acids and vitamin E: can contribute to skin and health coat

Recommended by veterinarians

More info https://www.hillspet.co.uk/dog-food/sp-canine-science-plan-adult-advanced-fitness-med-chicken-dry

Pet Shop Mona location / contact:https://mona.mk/contact/

Hill's 1кг (мерена)
530,00 ден
Hill's 14кг (голема вреќа)
6.980,00 ден
SKU: Hills medium chicken Category: